Safeguarding and Protecting Children
Tom Pearce, Director of Set Your Sights, is the Designated Safeguarding Lead. This means he has ultimate responsibility for the safety of the children attending any Set Your Sights activity or club. He is fully trained and proactive in ensuring all staff follow the robust policies and procedures we have in place to keep your children safe.
Laura Pearce, Director of Set Your Sights, is the Alternative Safeguarding Lead.
All Club Managers within our Ofsted registered settings have had Designated Safeguarding Lead training.
All staff working for Set Your Sights receive safeguarding training and are DBS checked.
Any queries or concerns about children or staff at Set Your Sights should be referred directly to Tom Pearce via telephone 07881802769 or email
No concern is insignificant, no matter how small you may think it is.

Tom Pearce, Director of Set Your Sights, is responsible for privacy and data protection. Our Privacy Policy can be found within our policy document on your school page.